Oregon’s New Venture Championship is a business competition hosted by the University of Oregon for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Students get the opportunity to pitch their business ideas, network, and receive feedback.

Allen Hall Advertising was hired to promote the competition to competitors and to Portland business professionals who might want to stop in and see the future of business.

Promotional Emails

Video Brochure

LinkedIn Ads


Google Ads


The Team:

Account Manager: Adriane Hershey

Project Manager: Sara Stember

Strategists: Casey Hickman, Abby Mizera, and Xavie Tow

Media Planners: Abby Mizera, Stephen Haltiner, Michael Stephenson, and Julia Morgans

Art Director: Travis Kim

Designers: Brandon Bullas and Kelly Kondo

Writers: Me and Corey Gedrose

Producers: Noah Andrews, Aaron DeOcampo, and Ethan Ferdig